What to expect from your wildflower meadow over the years

Part of the enjoyment of a wildflower meadow is watching how it changes over time. Flower abundance will change in the meadow as they colonise their new habitat. Eventually, distinct plant communities will appear that differ in some areas of the meadow compared to others. 

Most of our mixtures have both Annual and Perennial species included. So here's what you should expect:

Annual Wildlfowers

In year 1, the annual species will bloom early summer, putting on a really imprressive display. Expect, bright, neon colours and a long flowering period from early summer until the first frost of winter. 


These annual species will go to seed in the autumn and die back, they will not grow again.

Oxeye Daisies

In year 2, expect mostly Ox-eye Daisies. Ox-eye Daisies are a short lived perennial and generally tend to dominate the meadow in year 2, sometimes you can be lucky to have dots of colour from annuals that self seeded and Red Campion.

Year 3 wildflower meadow

Year 3 can be the most underwhelming year, but don't be dishartened, it's onwards and upwards from here!

Expect the daisies to become less dominant and the other perennials to become more prominent.

Wildflower Meadow year 4 onwards

From Year 4 onwards (forever), if your meadow is managed correctly, your wildflowers will bloom year after year, and create a really spectacular display every summer! As the years go on the meadow will become more and more impressive. 

Last summer I saw a meadow that was planted 20 years ago, and wow did it look good!!

wildflower meadows

Part of the enjoyment of a wildflower meadow is watching how it changes over time. Flower abundance will change in the meadow as they colonise their new habitat. Eventually, distinct plant communities will appear that differ in some areas of the meadow compared to others. 

wildflower meadow

What to expect from your wildflower meadow this summer

Last summer you sowed: A mix of both Annual & Perennial Species

e.g. The Butterfly and Bee MixYear after Year Mix, Traditional Irish Native Mix. 

This year, expect to see: mostly Ox-eye Daisies. Next year you will begin to see the other perennials flower (they will return each year)

Suggestion: Sowing in a little Annual Specie seeds in Autumn when the meadow is cut back will introduce more impressive colour like you had in year 1.

How to do it? There are two options:

Option 1: Loosen some soil with a rake amongst the plants, sprinkle in annual seeds, approx. 1g per square meter and press in with your foot. 

Option 2: Create a bare strip along the front of the meadow and sow your annuals there; this will give a vibrant display where most visible. 


Last summer you sowed: An Annual only Mix

e.g. The Annual Pollinator Mix or Cornfield Annuals Mix

This year: Annual species complete their lifecycle in one year - grow, flower, set seed and die. So, you will not see them again in year 2.

Suggestion: You need to sow more wildflowers if you want to see some blooms this summer.

What to sow?

Option 1: Annuals only mix, the same as last year for another display of high impact, repeating this for two Autumns will build up a seed bank for returning annuals. Just disturb the soil (rake or harrow) in autumn, this will help with annual germination!

Option 2: A mix of both Annuals and Perennials, for colour this summer and returning blooms to save you doing it again!


Last summer you sowed: A Perennial Only Mix

e.g. The Shaded Areas Mix or Low Growing Mix

This year: Expect to see the perennial species beginning to bloom for the first time. 

Suggestion: If grass has established in the area, cut it back now to the height of the plants to allow wildflowers better access to light.


Wildflower Seed Mixtures