When will my wildflowers bloom?


When will I see my wildflowers bloom?

Did you know that wildflowers will bloom according to their lifecycle?

Wildflower species are either annual or perennial, and some wildflower seed mixtures can be a combination of both.

Annual & perennial, what's the difference?

Annual wildflower species complete their life cycle in one year, i.e. they grow, flower and set seed in the same year. Their flowers are typically more colourful and impactful than perennials. Annual mixtures are an excellent choice for immediate impact. Expect to see annual species begin to bloom 8 weeks after sowing if sown in Spring.

Perennials flower year after year if managed correctly, but don't flower the same year as they are sown. So, be patient when you don't see the perennials flower this Summer; they're coming!!

Choosing a wildflower seed mixture with both annual and perennial wildflower species is a great way to create a sustainable, pollinator-friendly wildflower meadow.

Native Cornfield Annual Wildflower seed mixture in bloom

Choosing the right mixture

Annual only mixtures like the Annual Pollinator Mix and Native Cornfield Annuals begin flowering 8 weeks after sowing and bring a dense succession of high impact flowers right through the Summer until the first frost of Winter.

Many mixtures include both annual and perennial species like the Butterfly and Bee 100% wildflower seed mix. This mix's annual species will bring colour in the first year and are replaced by the perennial species from the following year, providing a more permanent succession of wildflowers and an endless food supply for visiting pollinators.

When should I sow my wildflower seeds?

The best time to plant wildflower seeds is from late March to May or in September to October when the soil's moisture and temperature levels are optimal.

So as we head into March, get ready to sow your wildflower seeds, contributing to biodiversity, bringing a burst of colour, and so much joy to your garden.

...to feel good and do good.

Best wishes,

Blooming Native Wildflower Seeds Signature